Not a good weekend. Last night before bed, I cried for what seemed like an hour. Why? Oh, a little of everything. I’m dragging this morning, and Jeff probably is, too, since my crying and babbling kept him awake.
I’m flying out on Saturday to go to the Special Libraries Association (SLA) conference in Washington, DC. I return late on Thursday, June 18th. The last two weeks of June will be an endless game of catch-up at work, and a return to wall-to-wall baseball after my “break” at SLA. I think both boys will have tournaments in late June/early July, but most of July should be sports-free, and my conference (and the stresses of flying) will be behind me.
I can’t wait to reach the end of June — as long as I don’t have a nervous breakdown or succumb to spontaneous combustion before July swoops in to give me some rest.