It’s the very end of day one of my first Special Libraries Association conference, in my first trip to Seattle, Washington. Much of today was the GTRIC meeting (Government Transportation Research Information Committee), the main event for members of SLA’s Transportation Division. It was a great program, very informative, and so cool to put faces with names and meet people I’d exchanged e-mails with but had never actually seen before. One of my newer colleagues is also one of my LibraryThing friends! (And speaking of LT, that got a mention from an OCLC visitor who did a short talk. Cool cool cool.) Also spent some time looking at vendor booths, went to the opening session, and then did some chatting with friends and meeting new colleagues at a gathering of the Solo Division. Am wiped out, and supposed to go to a 7 am meeting (if I’m conscious), so gotta close and get to sleep. But had to say, I had a good day, and am looking forward to getting better acquainted with some fellow transportation people, and attending some interesting sessions this week. (And seeing Meghan, visiting the public library, and getting to a good book store. Yes, I will do a couple fun things just for me!)
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