Yesterday afternoon was very bad. I started crying at lunchtime, and cried off and on for several hours. I finally called Jeff to ask him to leave work early, to pick me up and take me home. I left at 330 pm. I’d cried myself to a headache, and my eyes were so sore. After some rest, and a listen to one of the depression treatment CDs that Lynn gave me a while back, I was better. Not super, but better.
I woke around 230 am, and a poem seemed to start writing itself in my head. I got up a bit before 3, found a notebook with some blank sheets in it, and started writing. By 330, I was done. I may do some editing later, but for now, it seems not bad, and says what I meant to say.
In my dream I
move the knife
along my left arm,
creating pain
that can be seen,
where before
the pain had lain
inside my head,
Like an artist
carving, I push
and glide the knife,
releasing blood
to add some color
to the sculpture,
paint streaming red
throughout, then pooling
in the crevices.
When I wake,
my blood runs black
on paper,
my tools not
knife and blood,
but pen and ink.
Out of tears,
finally quiet,
I put this weary day
to bed, pull the covers
over that sad girl
who cannot stand
herself. I write this poem.
I’m sorry to hear you had such a bad day, Marie. I hope your week got better, and your weekend can take you away for a bit…
My week wasn’t so great either, and I had a few days similar to yours. I finally got a rejection email from the job I interviewed for in April. I’m kind of upset with the library world right now (sorry) and feel at that point where I should finally move on to other things… Feeling kind of hopeless… at least with libraries and archives. Luckily, work at the museum has kept me busy – but not the “happy”-busy sort, though. ha… And so it goes…
Take care!