For weeks now, Jeff has had piles of paperwork and folders set aside in an area of our bedroom, waiting for me to sort through them and determine what can be recycled. This morning, after sleeping in, I woke to a few inches of snow, which immediately pushed away any…
Category: writing
Article on Roger Ebert brings me to tears. (What’s new?)
I’ve already been on the computer too long, need to get myself changed and on the treadmill and ready for Lost (wahoo!), but I just read this WHOLE article and it’s just fantastic. It’s a feature article about Roger Ebert in Esquire, and dammit, it made me cry in a…
Reading, writing, and breathing
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.—Henry David Thoreau (Walden, 1854) I am thinking this evening about quiet desperation. My feeling tonight is not quiet, but angry and restless and relentless desperation.—written by me, on Sept. 24, 2009 This past Thursday evening, I slid into a terrible dark…
I can’t find the time to tell you
When I was young, maybe six or seven, I remember one time I was sitting on my dad’s lap, listening to records with him. A song came on that I didn’t recognize, and I asked him what it was. He said, “I Can’t Find the Time to Tell You.” I…