I recently decided to keep an old notebook (actually a cool “blank book” I’ve had for quite a while) close by me, and hope to jot down activities and thoughts as they happen. I wrote these pages yesterday morning before my radiology tests, and early this morning. More to follow,…
Category: blogging
Yep, I’m still here…and a short reading update
(I wrote this during my break at work yesterday, then forgot to e-mail it home or save it to my flash drive. So even though it’s now Friday evening, just pretend that I posted it on Thursday evening.) In about the past week and a half, I’ve read two books…
On the threshold of change … at least for my blog
I’ve been thinking about changing things up with my blog. I still like the template I chose when I started this blog, about two years ago, and I think it’s suited me well, but I feel like I’m ready for a new look. My first inkling of this need for…
A learning experience: Wrap-up of my first Read-a-Thon
My first 24 Hour Read-a-Thon is done, and I’m sorry to say this top part is gonna be a mess because it’s Sunday night and I need to get ready for bed — back to work tomorrow! I did answer the questions for the “End of Event meme” already (below),…
Software change further hampers blog communications
A couple days ago, my work changed the program they use to block people from accessing certain kinds of websites on work computers. I completely understand the need for this, and for the most part, I understand why they block the kinds of sites they block — because even if…
Post from a Guest Blogger!
One of my favorite things about my husband is that he makes me laugh — sometimes A LOT. He was cracking me up about something a while ago, maybe last weekend, and I got an idea. I told him he should write a guest post for my blog. “I need…
Reading, writing, and breathing
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.—Henry David Thoreau (Walden, 1854) I am thinking this evening about quiet desperation. My feeling tonight is not quiet, but angry and restless and relentless desperation.—written by me, on Sept. 24, 2009 This past Thursday evening, I slid into a terrible dark…
BBAW, and how I feel like a poser
I recently gave in to the hype and signed up for a Twitter account. Yes, it can be addicting, especially those first couple of weeks, but I don’t think I’ve gone overboard with it. One thing I’ve found is that book bloggers — those people whose blogs are about books…
My LibraryThing anniversary: ah, Book Love!
I created my LibraryThing account one year ago today, and immediately started adding books. There are now 710 books in my catalog, which is still not all the books I own. I have to confess, once I got the bulk of the literature and fiction done (most of which is…
I call it “All the parts” because …
In the summer of 1993, my Aunt Helen lent me the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley. When I returned it to her, I told her my biggest secret: that I had been sexually abused when I was a child. She said to me, as we both…