TGIF. The past week to ten days has been sooooo busy. A summary is in order.
Wed., May 21 – Kyle and Ryan’s last day of school
Thur., May 22 – Jut and Lisa and the twins arrived very late evening
Fri., May 23 – Jeff and I took day off work. Visit with Jut & family at Papa and Grandma’s house, then to Lawrence (Jut & family plus our family, eight total in two vehicles even though gas is OUTRAGEOUS) in afternoon to visit KU and do a little shopping. (I bought three books at The Dusty Bookshelf, including Emily Dickinson’s complete poems, pleased with my purchase there.) We did not have dinner in Lawrence, but came back to Grandma’s for dinner. (Actually, Grandma cooked a significant amount over these few days, and once set out sandwich ingredients for us. Many meals at Grandma and Papa’s house.)
Sat., May 24 – I walked to Hasting’s in the morning, then Jeff, Jut, and Lisa met me there and we all did some kid-free browsing. 🙂 In the afternoon, I cleaned the kitchen and listened to my audio of Moll Flanders. I think this was the evening we watched Bee Movie. Here’s my plug: if you think Jerry Seinfeld is funny at least half the time, you need to watch Bee Movie. It doesn’t matter whether you have kids or not, just rent it for yourself. Borrow a kid to watch it with if that makes you feel better, but I’m telling you, you don’t need that excuse: if you like Jerry, you’ll like Bee Movie.
Sun., May 25 – Large brunch at Papa and Grandma’s house, then cake and presents for the twins’ upcoming birthday (I think it’s actually today), lots of eating and taking pictures and some videotaping. Later in the day, the twins napped while Jeff and our boys went with Jut and Lisa to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I was happy to stay home alone and clean the bathrooms while – yes, you know it – listening to more of
Moll Flanders. I’m really liking it, SHOULD finish it this weekend. We got pizza for dinner. 🙂
Mon., May 26 – Jut & family and our family went to Chuck E. Cheese’s so all the kids could play games and wander about at an age-appropriate level. Kyle likes to see how many points he can get in the basketball shooting game. At one point, he and Jut were shooting side by side, and they each finished with 61 points. I love watching Kyle do basketball, it makes me so proud of him and proud to be his mom. Later, minus the twins, we went to Barnes & Noble for a while, and then everyone else went to Kohl’s while I kept looking in B&N next door. After they dragged me away (got two new books!), we went to the Sports Center, where Kyle drove a go-cart and Ryan & I played mini-golf. In the evening, big family gathering at Bretta’s house (Bretta being one of Jeff’s cousins) – with plenty of food, as usual, but not much food that our sons would eat, also as usual.
Tue., May 27 – Jut and Lisa and the twins left very early for Kansas City, to fly back to California. Papa and Grandma drove them. Kyle and Ryan started their four-morning basketball camp at 8 am, and I went with them, then waited till Papa could come take my place after getting back from the airport. I got to work at 930 am – not too bad. In the evening, Ryan had a T-ball game.
Wed., May 28 – In addition to basketball camp, this day was also the kick-off of the children’s summer reading program at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. I left work before 2 pm to get the boys from Papa and Grandma’s, then we went to the library for longer than I had planned. I brought them back to work with me for the last hour and a half of the day.
Thursday and Friday – Basketball camp, and Jeff takes Friday morning off. But after the excitement of Jut and Lisa and the twins visiting, things are starting to settle back down into a more “normal” busyness – or at least what’s normal for the summer months. Still got a few more T-ball games to go!
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